Privacy Policy


If you have arrived here it is because you want to know how we process your data. And we are happy to tell you everything in the utmost transparency. First: your personal data are used by Chanakya Italia srl, that is the data controller, in compliance with the principles of protection of personal data established by the GDPR 2016/679 Regulation.

This notice is also valid for the purposes of art. 13 of Legislative Decree. n. 196/2003, Code regarding the protection of personal data, and for the purposes of art. 13 of the EU Regulation n. 2016/679, relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of such data, for those who interact with Chanakya Italia srl through the web address

The information is only valid for this website and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user through links contained therein.

Data processing times

The data is processed for the time necessary to perform the service requested by the user, or required by the purposes described in this document, and the user can always request the interruption of the processing or the deletion of the data.

Diffusion of data to third parties

No data will be disseminated. Where communication to third party suppliers, consultants or partners should be necessary for needs related to the provision of the Services, the Data Controller will be responsible for appointing them as data processors as per previous art. 28 of the Regulation, by virtue of the demonstrated ability, experience and reliability.

Interested parties can request at any time the complete list of data processors appointed time after time by Chanakya Italia srl by sending a request to the Data Controller at the e-mail address:

It is understood that users’ personal data may be freely disclosed to third parties, such as police forces or other public administrations, whenever this is permitted by law or required by an order or provision of a competent authority. These subjects will process the data as independent data controllers.

Ownership of the treatment of cookies

Seen the installation of third-party Cookies and other tracking systems through the services used within this site cannot be technically controlled by the Owner, any specific reference to Cookies and tracking systems installed by third parties is to be considered indicative.

Given the objective complexity linked to the identification of technologies based on cookies and their very close integration with the functioning of the web, the user is invited to contact the owner if he wishes to receive any further information on the use of cookies and any use of the same – for example, by a third party – made through this website.

We would like to tell you that the site uses only technical cookies (session, persistent, third-party) and not profiling cookies. By using the site, you expressly consent to our use of cookies.

What cookies are
Cookies are small text files that are stored in the device used by the user (computer, tablet or smartphone), when he visits a website, to improve the experience.

What they need for
Cookies are used to store information on the browser to be reused during the same visit to the site (session cookies) or later, even after days (persistent cookies). Cookies are stored, according to user preferences, by the individual browser on the specific device used.

There are different types of cookies. Some are necessary to be able to browse the site more easily with automated procedures (ex. login, language, etc.), others have different purposes such as guaranteeing internal security, managing the system, carrying out statistical analyzes, understanding which sections of the site most interesting for users or offer a personalized visit to the site.

Cookies are categorized as follows:

Session cookies
Session cookies, for which it is not necessary to give consent, are essential in order to distinguish between connected users and are useful to prevent a requested functionality from being provided to the wrong user. They are also useful for security: they prevent cyber attacks on the site. Session cookies do not contain personal data and last only for the current session, i.e. until the browser is closed.

Functionality cookies (or persistent cookies)
Functionality cookies are linked to a request for functionality by the user, like the login. From this example, it is clear how necessary they are. These cookies remain stored in the user’s device until a certain date is reached (in terms of minutes, days or years from the creation / update of the cookie). Consent is not required for them either.

Third party cookies
The Chanakya Italia site acts as an intermediary for third-party cookies, used to provide additional services and features to visitors and to improve the use of the site. An example? Buttons that connect you to social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn…), or to videos (Youtube or Vimeo). We have no control for this type of cookie, as it is entirely managed by these third parties. It works like this for everyone. Consequently, the information on their use and purposes, as well as on how to disable them, are provided directly by third parties.

On this site the tools that generate third-party cookies are:

  • Google Analytics
    Google Analytics is an analysis tool provided by Google which, through the use of cookies (performance cookies), collects anonymous navigation data (IP truncated at the last octet) and exclusively aggregated for the purpose of examining the use of the site by users, compile reports on site activities and provide other information, including the number of visitors and pages visited. These cookies have been set by us anonymously, in order to minimize the possibility of identifying you by Google or other third parties. Google may also transfer the information to third parties where this is required by law or where such third parties process the aforementioned information on behalf of Google. Google will not associate the IP address with any other data held by Google. The data generated are processed and stored by Google as indicated in its information. On the basis of a specific agreement with Google, which is designated as the data controller, they undertakes to process the data based on the requests of the Data Controller, given through the software settings.
  • Widget Google Maps
    Google Maps is a map viewing service managed by Google Inc. that allows this application to integrate such content in its pages, which uses cookies to collect information from users and navigation devices. The data generated are processed and stored by Google Inc. as indicated in its information.
  • Google Fonts
    Google Fonts is a font style visualization service managed by Google Inc. that allows this Application to integrate such contents within its pages, which uses cookies to collect usage data and various types of data as specified by privacy. service policy.
  • Google reCAPTCHA (spam protection)
    Google reCAPTCHA is a SPAM protection service provided by Google Inc. which uses cookies to collect usage data and various types of data as specified in the privacy policy of the service.
  • Plugin Social Network
    The site can incorporate plugins related to social networks, in order to allow easy sharing of content on them. When provided by the social network, these plugins set cookies, usually only if the user makes effective and voluntary use of them. Please note that if the user browses the site already logged into the social network, it means that he has already consented to the use of cookies conveyed through the site at the time of registration to the social network. The collection and use of information obtained through plugins are governed by the respective privacy policies of the social networks.

Transfer of data to Non-EU Countries
This site may share some of the data collected with services located outside the European Union area. In particular with Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, through social plugins and the Google Analytics service. The transfer is authorized on the basis of specific decisions of the European Union and the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, in particular decision 1250/2016 (Privacy Shield) for which no further consent is required. The companies mentioned above guarantee their adherence to the Privacy Shield.

More information about Third Party Rules
For more information on the use of data and their processing by third parties, it is recommended that you view the information on the appropriate pages. In particular, with regard to social networks, the main ones are mentioned:

Management of cookies
Cookies are linked to the browser used. You can check and delete individual cookies using the settings of most browsers. Disabling cookies may prevent the correct use of some functions of the site itself. If you do not know the type and version of browser you are using, click on “Help” in the browser window to access to all the necessary information. If you know your browser, click on the one you are using to access the cookie management page.

Furthermore, if you want to disable the saving of cookies by Google Analytics, install this add-on on your browser.

To learn more about cookies, you can refer to:

This website uses cookies to make your browsing experience efficient. We also use them to personalize content and ads, provide social media features and analyze our traffic. We also provide information about how you use our site to our partners who specialize in web analytics, advertising and social media, who may combine it with other information you have provided to them or that they have collected from your use of their services.

The law allows us to store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of our site. For all other types of cookies we need your permission.

This site uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are placed by third party services that appear on our pages.

Your consent applies to the website